lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

The best holiday I've have

I'm not a person that goes out a lot, but this summer, with my friends of all the life, went out to the beach. Honestly I dont like too much the beach but I went with my friends and those three days was all an experience. 

Was the week where the people celebrated this place, Pichilemu, and we went to concerts of Lucybell, Inti-Illimani and others all the nigths, and then we sat down in front of the beach to talk about life until very late hour. During the days, we go down to the beach to take some sun and wind (Pichilemu is very windy), we ate fast food and went to buy some souvenirs to our families and other friends. Then in the evening, we drank a lot in our cottage, danced and played cards.  It was really crazy and funny. 

To go down to the beach we had to walk a lot, and to the downtown we had to walk a little more. It was really exhaustive but singing old sings it starts to be fun

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

The landscape of my life

                                                  Which country would you like to go?

If you ask me about it I can't help but think of Sweden. I'm a nature lover! and Sweden, in my opinion, has the most beautiful landscapes. I visualize amazing forest, the winter is very long and I love that, the snow is the best, that crystalline and frozen lakes, its archipelages and its politic system is one of the best in world. Absolutly I need to know the famous northern ligths in Laponia, It is in far north of Sweden and that ligths appear when the sun goes down, since the months of october to march. The Kungsleden is a extraordinary path because has a lot of landscapes like alpine scenes, forest of birch trees, lakes, little towns and mountains.
Of course I would like to live, study and work here! Sweden is one of countries that has the best quality of life in all aspects because its politic system known as welfare state is very efficient and I would like to experiment and to contrast the differences to my country.

English language challenges

Hello, readers! I hope you're all well. In fact, it's the end of my English course journey. I started this course last semester,...