miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

English language challenges

El Mejor Libro para Aprender Inglés Fácilmente con Metodología ...

Hello, readers! I hope you're all well. In fact, it's the end of my English course journey. I started this course last semester, and it was good. This semester was strange because the context was and the online mode is being complicated for some people.

In my experience, in all English courses I have had problems with the ability to listen in a comprehensive way, and I need to improve that and other things. I usually understand English very well from people whose native language is Spanish, but when I try to understand people who really speak English it confuses me and I don't understand it, I think the problem is that their accent and their speed makes it difficult for me. I can't process all the information in such a short time because I still can't "think in English". I also need to improve my ability to conjugate verbs because the rules are confusing me.

I used to use English a lot outside of class because all my music was in English, I watched movies and series in this language and I had to read books in my English class in high school, but nowadays I don't use it much, I could say that I use it only when it is necessary and I am forced to use it; reading articles, the subtitles of some movie or documentary, or when a video does not have translation or subtitles.

To close this blog, the course was a good experience, the activities make the course not boring, it made me think about things I never thought or planned, thanks for that!

4 comentarios:

  1. I totally understand you, conjugating verbs in English is very difficult for me

  2. I also have a hard time understanding people who really speak English

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Understand people who are english speakers is hard for me too


English language challenges

Hello, readers! I hope you're all well. In fact, it's the end of my English course journey. I started this course last semester,...