lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

My future job

When I reflect about my future job, I see me working in the profession that I'm studying, as psychologist, now I'm not sure about the area and I dont know if it would be my profession during all my life , but I think that approximatly it will be about ten years or more.

I’ve always felt that I use to undestand the people, their feelings, thinkings and I was try to have a good comprehension about it to finally help that person. It was a good impulse to start the career. I'd like do this job because it makes me feel so human in a world that is dominated by the superficiallity and the problems that it has.
The skills that we need to developmented our profession are listen sympathetically, also the empathy is a very important point, we don't have to make the patient feel like we're judging him, we need skills to really understand the subjectivity of the people unprejudiced.

I think that the reward of my future job would be the satisfaction of help people to do a little bit better their life , I feel that these profession is not about money, but is about calling, nobody could do a good job here if is only thinking about money

5 comentarios:

  1. I think that you are right when you say that we couldn't do a good job when we are only thinking on the money cause I can't see the monetary payment as a big motivation in special if you are doing something to help others

  2. oh it would be wonderful! if all psychologists thought like you about money in this job

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I also think that the empathy is very important in this profession


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