lunes, 22 de junio de 2020

Courses after graduate?

Is really hard to think about it now, because I don't know what could happen about the future, my future, that of my family or of the world. But leaving these things aside, I'd like take many courses after graduate, about my career and others. The subjects where I'd like to deepen could be in legal, forensic, and childish, I' ll know that maybe is too much haha but is a dream, and nowadays I cannot decide for one. My reasons to think about it are, in general, be a better professional and provide the  best service and attention to my patients, and I believe that with more knowledge and accumulated experience I could do it.
                                         Cómo convencer a alguien para que vaya al psicólogo (sin presionarle)
I 'd love to study out of my country, in Spain or  perhaps in United States because here are the best universities in the area of psychology, but the language could be a problem. Nowadays and with the experience with online classes I´d never decide for distance learning, because it is really exhausting, but I yes lean on to part-time learning. I think that in these situation I´d have to work to have enough money and survive in other country.

I  don´t know how to feel about all this, is a dream, the education is a expensive market and not all of us can acces to improvements of this type, but anyway I´ll try.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

My future job

When I reflect about my future job, I see me working in the profession that I'm studying, as psychologist, now I'm not sure about the area and I dont know if it would be my profession during all my life , but I think that approximatly it will be about ten years or more.

I’ve always felt that I use to undestand the people, their feelings, thinkings and I was try to have a good comprehension about it to finally help that person. It was a good impulse to start the career. I'd like do this job because it makes me feel so human in a world that is dominated by the superficiallity and the problems that it has.
The skills that we need to developmented our profession are listen sympathetically, also the empathy is a very important point, we don't have to make the patient feel like we're judging him, we need skills to really understand the subjectivity of the people unprejudiced.

I think that the reward of my future job would be the satisfaction of help people to do a little bit better their life , I feel that these profession is not about money, but is about calling, nobody could do a good job here if is only thinking about money

lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

About cinema

At first, I like too much the cinema, but I'm not use to be that kind of person that spend hours and hours looking a movie. To me, two hours of a movie is too much, but when I watch series I can spend days seeing it, I'm not sure about why is that difference but I do haha

About series, I love the job of Vince Gilligan as producer of Breaking Bad and Better call Saúl, this two series are my favorites. Recently I finally ended Better call Saúl and I'm so anxiuos about the 6th season but it will be in Netflix at 2021. BB and BCS are complementary series, and BCS is a parallel story about one character that was in Breaking Bad, it was Saúl, the lawyer of main characters (Walter White and Jesse Pinkman), they started to traffic methanphetamine at incredible levels by their life circunstances. By the other way BCS shows how Jimmy Mcgill started to be Saúl Goodman, a lawyer without moral and very liar
Better Call Saul entrará en territorio de Breaking Bad

I love  this spin- off  because the characters made me hate and love they at the same time! is difficult to decide by one character because here dont have the typical good and bad character. They all do bad actions but sometimes we can understand why they do that and how they started to be like that

English language challenges

Hello, readers! I hope you're all well. In fact, it's the end of my English course journey. I started this course last semester,...