martes, 7 de julio de 2020

The Virus

Hi all! I hope that everyone is well in this time of apocalypse because, in efect, I´ll talk about it. My family and I´ve been lucky at the moment, we live in a small town in the middle of a field where we don't have any cases of coronavirus and we aren´t in quarantine but anyway we take the preventive measures, and we go out only if is really necessary because I live with my grandparents and they are at-risk group, but also we have family in the city and it concerned us
Seeing the good part, I believe that this pandemic has been an opportunity to change our hygiene habits and become aware the importance of cleaning our hands carefully. I've also see more social conscience and empathy in the lower class to face the economic problems of this pandemic.
I´ve don't rediscovered any activity haha ​​but now I could say that I´m always watching series or films, oh! I was forgetting that I learned to knit, but I'm not really good, It bored me because I never progress.
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My studies have had a lot of problems, my internet is not good because where I live we have bad signal, when I have synchronuss classes it makes me often leave the videoconference, and it is really exhausting and stressful,
I'm always trying to be most optimistic about the context but I can't. The TV is always on in my house and the news are always saying bad things, the government does nothing good. And in the future I think that we all be afraid about new viruses for a few years, maybe, My prognosis for this virus is not optimistic, I think it will take a long time for it to finish and to be able to leave home.

5 comentarios:

  1. Wow, you have very lucky. I hope that can you spend all this time without bad news <3.

  2. I understand the problem of television, in my house we choose not to watch news during the day, it is an unnecessary stress.

  3. Ugh,have a bad Internet when you have classes its infuriating

  4. Watching movies and series is always a good way to pass the time :D
    I am sorry that your internet connection is not the best, especially in the context in which we are where most of our activities depend on our connectivity :(


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